You Got This! Podcast
You Got This! is a Podcast hosted by Brenna Clarke Gray and produced by the Learning Technology and Innovation team at Thompson Rivers University to provide just-in-time teaching and learning encouragement and support to our campus community. Our conversation was about the Researcher-in-Residence initiative.
Episode 11: Assuming There’s a Future to Hope For, ft. Cheryl Gladu
Decision Point Podcast
Decision Point podcast is put out by Ivey Publishing around teaching cases. This was a conversation with podcast host and Director of Ivey Publishing at Ivey Business School, Matt Quin, about my case Dessa: Growing a Diverse and Inclusive Artificial Intelligence Company.
You can listen to the podcast here.
On Smart Cities
I was very honoured to be asked to talk at Concordia University’s Chancellor’s Builders and Friends Dinner on October 25, 2018. I was asked to speak about my research into cohousing and its relationship to the concept of smart cities.
The Worlds We Want podcast
The Worlds We Want was a podcast that I worked on at Concordia University with two other students, Tristan Masson and Joel Odjick. Over the two seasons of the show, we talked with people about positive solutions to the Climate Change Crisis.
Below is one example of the show (Collective Action and co-managing the commons. A full listing of these episodes is available here.