Select Publications


Garrett-Petts, W. F., & Gladu, C. (2021, October). A Researcher-in-Residence Initiative for Cultural Mapping, Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Urban Planning in Small Cities. Livingmaps Network Journal. 11. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

Gladu, C.; Paquin, R. (2020) The Good Fight: Constructive Conflict by Design. In Guclu Atinc (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eightieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151-6561.

Gladu, C., & Cucuzella, C. (2016, June 30). Waiting For The Bus While Reflecting On Climate Change. Canadian Competitions Catalogue, Editorial. Retrieved from

Teaching Cases

Gladu, C. & Paquin, R. (2020) Dessa: Growing a diverse and inclusive AI company, 9B20C046_P London, Canada: Ivey Publishing. (Honourable mention, 2020 John Molson Business Ownership Case Writing Competition)

Gladu, C., & Paquin, R. (2019) Alvéole: Growing the New Urban Beekeeping Market, 9B19M132 London, Canada: Ivey Publishing.

More accessible ideas

Gladu, C. (2020). The House of Rebels: Behind the system of support for collaborative communities. Communities Magazine, (186), 60-61.

Gladu, C. (2019, January 1). “Get to know the neighbours: Cohousing experiments in democratic living” CCPA Monitor, 26:1, Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 44-46.

Gladu, C. (2018-ongoing project). Passing on Some Good Advice: On Building and Living in a Cohousing Community. A series of blog posts on Medium related to the development of Cohousing in Canada.

Gladu, C. (2018) Eco-Design for Behavior Change, Communities Magazine, 179

Gladu, C. (2018, November 26). Cohousing is an inclusive approach to smart, sustainable cities. The Conversation Canada.

Gladu, C. (2018, December 04). Le cohabitat est-il l’avenir des villes ? The Conversation Canada.

Course Development

In development: ORGB 371: Creativity and Innovation

In 2020, I started working on the Open Learning version of a course I taught live and virtually. In this course, students explore the theory and practical strategies for promoting creative and innovative thinking in the workplace and managing employees through these processes. Topics include types of innovation, the S-shaped diffusion curve, generating new ideas, recognizing opportunities, moving innovations to the market, creative groups, enhancing creativity, and leading creativity. Prerequisite: CMNS 1290; ORGB 2810

As with all OL courses, the delivery method is virtual and self-directed and includes the supports of a course instructor. In addition to readings and activities, the theory is delivered via a podcast that I wrote and produced for this course. You can hear the introductory lesson below: